Thursday, 3 December 2015

5 Best Online Bible Schools and Seminaries

From all the types of programs people can take online, Religious courses seem to be the most preferred ones. Since they carry less scrutiny in terms of job placement. Most employers normally look at the college you attended and the type of degree you got, compared to other careers where the employer has to really know where you have worked and what you can do.

Am a Mormon and i don't have much experience with bible colleges, but i have a couple of friends who have, one of them is currently doing a theology degree in Texas and the other one just completed. As i was doing my research i involved one of them just to get his opinion.

Here is my recommendation of the best online schools in the US, if you think i should add more, just drop them in the comments section.

  1. Dallas Theological Seminary 
  2. Biblical Education by Extension 
  3. Moody Bible Institute Online 
  4. Rocky Mountain Bible College and Seminary
  5. Grace School of Theology
  6. Tyndale Theological Seminary
  7. Biola University
  8. Talbot Seminary
  9. Baptist Bible College and Seminary
  10. Biblical Seminary

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