Online schooling for high school is now becoming increasingly popular as the extent of technological advancement ensues. You've probably known about online schooling for high school from the net, or from someone who's already enrolled in it.
Online education or distant learning is a type of education where classes are done via internet and computer. The style of teaching may depend on which online school you're enrolled into but generally, an online class is composed of a student and an educator interacting through the web. It's almost just the same as a regular class but the differences are that you are not inside a classroom, not with other students and you have the teacher all by yourself.
The reason why online schooling for high school is deemed as a very effective alternative to regular high school education is because it speaks and answers the need to have a flexible class schedule, study at home and get an authentic diploma without needing to attend classes everyday or without spending too much money for it.
If you're a person or a parent who has already decided to enroll yourself, or your teenager to online schooling for high school, check out these basic things first:
Accreditation is the first thing you have to consider before enrolling. The reason behind this is because you want to make sure that you or your child is getting the highest quality of education available online. There's also the issue with the authenticity of the diploma you're getting. If you're enrolling in online classes to obtain your diploma for better job opportunities, an accredited school is more likely to get you the job than those that are no accredited.
Tuition Fee
Tuition on online education may vary on the type of school you're enrolled into. Basically, public online schools or charter online classes are generally paid for and funded by the government. Hence, your online classes may require you to pay less or not pay at all. Online private schools, like traditional private academies, have their own policies and funding is primarily taken from the fees paid by you.
Educators/Online Class Supervisors
It is important that you know the level of experience and efficiency of the teachers handling the online classes. Do not hesitate on asking the online school administrator if the online supervisors have the same scope of training and experience with regular teachers. There are states that will only hire high school teachers who have a master's degree in education at the least. If that's the case, the online teachers must have the same comparable experience.
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