Friday, 12 May 2017

ielts general reading test papers with answers pdf

The three parts of this practice Reading test are presented over three separate web pages. Make sure you move swiftly from one page to the next so that your practice is as realistic as possible.
Time yourself and allow just one hour to complete all three parts.

There are 40 questions in this practice test. Each question carries one mark.

If you prefer to work offline, download the test paper and blank answer sheet.

ielts general training practice test books pdf

This is a general IELTS book that helps candidates prepare for the test.

Principles of Insurance - Lesson 1A Pdf


An insurance policy is a legally binding contract between an insurance company and the

person who buys the policy, commonly called the "insured" or the "policyholder."

In exchange for payment of a specified sum of money, called the "premium," the

insurance company agrees to pay the "beneficiary" (or for some benefits, the "owner")

of the policy a fixed or otherwise determinable amount of money, if circumstances that

are set out in the policy, occur.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Place of Suing Meaning in Civil Procedure

This is choosing the right court.  The first step to take in initiating a suit is to determine the right court to hear the case.  The court opted for must have territorial jurisdiction over the matter.  The plaintiff will have to find out whether the court deals with such matters as the one he would like heard since a court may be limited, for example to hearing appeals only.  A trial must start in a court of first instance and not in appellate court.  Next, the litigant must also determine whether the court has power to deal with the subject matter of his case.  The litigant will then pay attention to the issue of the monetary jurisdiction of the court he has chosen.  If he attempts to begin a case in any inappropriate court, the case will be thrown out with consequent delay, costs and sometimes loss of the right to sue again due to a time-bar, so, choose the right court.

jurisdiction and place of suing, in civil cases, civil procedure code
under cpc,jurisdiction of civil court under civil procedure code 1908

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Personality Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

                                  THE PERSONALITY OF AN ENTREPRENEUR

General objectives:
Have an overview of the conceptual entrepreneur.
Specific objectives:
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
i)                     Explain the personality traits of entrepreneur.
ii)                  Contrast entrepreneur characteristics.
iii)                Understand Opportunity analysis in entrepreneurship

As already noted, entrepreneurship is a concept which constitutes:
v  A set of personal characteristics
v  A set of behaviors
v  A combination of these.

Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship - Notes

General objectives:
Have an overview of Innovation.
Specific objectives:
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
i)                     Differentiate the terms, creativityInnovation and Idea generation.
ii)                  Compare different schools of thought in defining entrepreneurship.
iii)                Relate entrepreneurship observations

Virtually all innovation processes include the creation or identification of opportunities and the selection of one or more of the most promising directions. When a movie studio creates a new feature film, it typically considers several hundred plot summaries, a few of which are selected for further development. When a company decides upon the branding and identity for a new product, it creates dozens or hundreds of alternatives, and picks the best of these for testing and refinement. When a consumer goods firm develops a new product, it typically considers many alternative concepts before selecting the few it will develop further. Generating the raw ideas that feed subsequent development processes thus plays a critical role in innovation. The success of idea generation in innovation usually depends on the quality of the best opportunity identified. In most innovation settings, an organization would prefer 20 bad ideas and 1 outstanding idea to 21 merely good ideas. In the world of innovation, the extremes are what matter, not the average or the norm (Dahan and Mendelson (2001), Terwiesch and Loch (2004) Terwiesch and Ulrich (2009)). This objective is very different from those in, for example, manufacturing, where most firms would prefer to have 21 production runs with good quality over having 1 production run with exceptional quality followed by 20 production runs of scrap. When generating ideas, a firm makes choices by intention or default about its creative problem solving process.

Factors that account for level of entrepreneurship between men and women

Men and women have very different motivations, business skills and occupational levels, and the factors which co tribute to the start-up process are not similar, especially in terms of support systems, sources of finance and constraints, although there are a few studies which are to the contrary. For example, a pilot study on entrepreneurs in developing countries concluded that male entrepreneurs were in no way different from female entrepreneurs. A study on the personality traits of successful male and female entrepreneurs found that women do not differ significantly from men with regard to innovative traits and internal locus of. Another study confirmed that career women have the same need for achievement as men in the same careers.
The first factor is the motivational aspect. The major motivation for female entrepreneurs to start their ventures was the need to achieve, the desire for satisfaction and economic necessity; while for males, in addition to the need to achieve, there was the desire to ‘make things happen’ and control resources. In comparing the motivations of aspiring male and female entrepreneurs, we find that compared to men, women are less concerned with making money and often choose business proprietorship as a result of career dissatisfaction. Downing (1991), studied the growth strategies used by male and female entrepreneurs in selected developing countries and found that men and women do employ different strategies, motivated by their very different circumstances. For example while male-owned enterprises usually grow vertically, women’s enterprises tend to grow by diversifying.